Out Of The Pink ~ Everyone Has Enough Troubles Of Their Own

Everyone Has Enough Troubles Of Their Own ~ Day 51, October 11, 2016

Everyone has troubles of their own. When something happens to us, our closest friends and family along with those who spend hours scrolling through Facebook posts are usually the first to know and come to our rescue. Once the news has spread, if you’re lucky or blessed, people come out of the woodwork with kind words, advice, and a promise to pray for you. If they throw in a “please let me know if you need anything” or set up a mealtrain plan, you have it made. 

It’s a blessing and a testament to the truly good nature of mankind or maybe just the true goodness of God. Probably both. But, that love and goodness comes in all kinds of forms, from a quiet prayer that only God knows you offered, to a physical act of kindness, like bringing a meal, taking you to the hospital, even helping you in and out of bed. No matter what form it takes, all are equally important. Help doesn’t last forever. Everyone has enough troubles of their own. 

I wanted to share today the great goodness of God and my great appreciation for it by reminding everyone they can play a vital role in someone’s healing, whether it be from a physical, emotional, financial, or even a spiritual ailment. You don’t need lots of money or education to pour wealth and knowledge into a troubled heart. It just takes humility, and a willingness to reach out and touch someone with the love and goodness of God from the outflow of your heart. 

It would be ridiculous to think just because someone is showing you kindness, or going out of their way, they have no troubles of their own. Most assuredly, everyone who helped me did. In my opinion, It makes their act of kindness even more offensive to the enemy, which makes me smile. It shows our ability to persevere through every weapon he uses. When we do God smiles too and both the giver and the receiver are blessed. 
Here are ways you have blessed me. I pray you are blessed by God for your kindness, even though I know you have troubles of your own. 







Gift Cards



Back washes

Foot rubs



Rides to the Dr. 

Hospital visits

Second Opinions

Loading and unloading my car

Offering to pick up groceries

Making me pizza on your closed day. 

Celebrating me in fluffy socks

Encouraging me

Allowing me to feel normal

Laughing with me

Sitting on my bed watching movies

Brushing my hair

Changing my clothes

Holding my hand

Feeding me

Organizing my bedroom to make it easy after surgery

Helpful tips

Paying for meals

Cooked for me

Took me to dinner

Reminding me I’m not alone

Taking silly selfies when I’m bored

Reminding me though the cancer is gone, it’s not over and you’re still here 

Affirming me in my ministry

Helping me with my book

Donating to my Gofundme

Crying with me

Answering my phone when I can’t

Taking care of my salon

Doing my clients hair while I’m out

Posting for me and sharing my posts on Facebook in support

Wearing a tutu and pink T shirts in honor of me to support cancer awareness 

Getting your overdue mammograms 

Nurses who went above the call

Help during the hurricane

Yard cleanup

Helping me open jars i still can’t open

Cleaning my wounds

Bandaging me when I couldn’t reach

Scratching my back

Wearing pink

Giving me the nod of “you’ve got this” from across the church

Caring for my family who needed support too

Taking care of my kiddos so my daughter could help me

Sending me donations to help with my medical expenses

Adding extra tip money to your salon bill before surgery

Being patient with me when I walk or dress slowly

Sharing your beach home or vacation 

Being honest

The list is unending. You never know what help you are. Some of you claim you did so little, others claim to have done nothing at all. Believe me, though I may not get to every thank you card for a while, EVERY gesture went noticed and was appreciated. God knows who you are and I pray He blesses you. I challenge you to let people love you where they are with what they have. You never know the hardship on others while you’re basking in your own sorrow. Never fail to recognize the sacrifice of others, cause even when they’re loving on you, everyone has enough trouble of their own. 

Even though this blog may be long, I wanted to share what some of those things were…..

Sick kids
Job difficulties

Personal Illness

Moms in rehab facility

Child having seizures

Lost jobs

Recovering hurricane losses

Mom fighting cancer

Family members passed

Financial burdens


School Tests

Physically unable to leave home

Loss of a child


Moving out of state

Fighting cancer themselves

Facing surgery

Long overnight hours at work

Planning a wedding 

Having babies

Car accident

Career changes

Lost child support

Law suits

This list is also unending. Those who helped me were facing these and other troubles of their own. They saw a need, found compassion in their hearts and served. It has changed me forever. I never want to bask in my own suffering, but rather realize it isn’t limited to me. Everyone has enough trouble of their own, so be extra grateful when someone loves you in whatever small way they can. If I’ve missed a kindness, forgive me. BTW… Thank you cards are coming soon. 

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